Multi-modal, conversational AI.
Long customer service queues and wait times are a common pain point for travelers around the world. NLX solves for this by combining the best of artificial intelligence and the human support experience within its conversational, self-service technology. Its automated chat and voice components empower travelers to solve their own problems in ways that are faster and more cost-effective than ever before.
“Customer service is an area ripe for improvement within the commercial aviation industry and beyond. NLX’s platform is destined to be an industry game-changer for its ability to walk customers through simple tasks, from rescheduling a flight right down to changing a password. This automation allows for customer service agents to focus on more complex traveler needs.”
—Ryan Chou, Investment Principal, JetBlue Ventures
“We’re glad to count JetBlue Ventures as an early investor in our products. The renewed confidence in our growing company, technology, and team allows NLX to continue to transform not only the aviation industry, but also the broader travel ecosystem, banking, healthcare , and more through conversational AI.”
—Andrei Papancea, Co-Founder and CEO, NLX
Conversational AI is talk of the town as call centers adapt to new realities
Conversational AI provider NLX raises $5M to enhance voice-driven customer support
NLX partners with AWS for conversational AI partners solutions initiative